
Lucy's Journal

  Bienvenidos a mi vivo  Sunday March 3, 2024 Today I had a meeting with our branch presidency and it was really cool! The brother who interviewed me gave me some cool promises! He said that because I chose to come on a mission that I would bless, and baptize more people. He also said that if I reflect the light of christ that more people will be able to feel the spirit. Another thing he said is that people will love me. He also said that I will bless generations of people both forward and backward. He also said that  my mission will be a great blessing to my kids. And that because of my mission and my experiences that my kids will also serve missions. One other thing he told me was that I would learn important lessons about finding happiness in the little things without having too many things. He also said that even though they are a 3rd world country they find happiness in what they have and this would be an important lesson for me in my life. March 7 Last night hermana Smith brough

Lucy's Letter - Welcome to the Jungle

  Hello everyone!!! And welcome to puerto Rico!!! The Last few days have been a little crazyyy and sooo fun!!!! This week I finished life at the MTC!!! On wednesday we packed up and got ready to leave!!! Wednesday night we said goodbye to our elders… so that was a little sad…  Then Thursday we got up at 1am (not too fun incase you were wondering) and we got on a bus, went to the airport and Hung out for like 2 hours haha… then we flew into Atlanta where we got chick-fil-a!!!! It was soooo good!! Then we finally made it to puerto Rico!!!  Friday we got to go see the temple! And then we went and met our trainers!! After that we drove out to our area!! That night we went out and I got to meet wilda!! She is the sweetest and at the end she painted our nails haha Saturday morning I got to go to a baptism!! We were at a lesson on Saturday afternoon and then she started making us dinner haha and then she said something (which i didn't understand) and then hma reyes looked at me and said s

Weekly Email - March 20

  HELLO EVERYONE!!! I hope everyone is doing good!!! I miss you all so much and hope you all know how much God loves you!! This week was a pretty good one! On Friday it was elder brink's birthday so we had a party for him in our second class!! Hna Luna brought an ice cream cake!!  Also on Friday we had helping others and we taught about christs atonement and the His role in our lives! It actually went really good which is low-key surprising... we actually understood most of what our lady said so we felt better about our progress in Spanish!  On monday we were playing kahoot and a hamlet quote came up from the to be not to be speech and I started quoting it haha so shout out to Mr heningers English class... The food here is honestly pretty good... sometimes it tastes the same by the end of a week but it's been pretty good!  Today we got to go to the temple for our last time... I'm excited to get to Puerto Rico but sad to not be here in this bubble anymore!  This is our LAST

Weekly Email #3

 Hello everyone!! Yesterday was one month of being a missionary haha… we only have two weeks left here at the CCM and everyday I get more nervous about going to Puerto Rico and actually having to use Spanish haha…  This week was pretty good!! The song of the week was definitely enchanted by Taylor swift haha sooo in honor of you reading this you should probably go listen to it!  On Thursday night elder brink and argyle taught one of the workshops and they did realyyy good!!  On Friday we had helping others again and it was a struggle this week haha… Understanding the lady on the zoom was reallyyyyy hard so it didn'tgo as well this week haha! Sunday morning we were like 5 minutes away from being ready to go and the fire alarm went off haha so we all went out like half ready and it was terrible haha … Sunday night devotional was sooo good!!! It was all about the atonement of christ and it was really cool to hear a different way to think about the atonement!  Monday we started our sol

Weekly Email #2

Sup Bros… This week was pretty good nothing too wildin. I just went to some more classes and enjoyed the warm weather! One night we were getting ready for bed and there were 20 very distinct gun shots and then like 5 cop/ambulances that drove by so that was pretty exciting haha !!!  On a different note on Monday night there was ash falling from the sky from a volcano a little ways, and it was sooo smoky it reminded me of August in Alberta One day during preach my gospel class me and hermana Steadman (my comp) were teaching our teacher and after we were finished she told us that was something she actually really needed to hear in her life so that was pretty cool and made me feel better about my teaching skills!! One night this week we were sitting studying when our district elders walked by and then they came over to talk to us and an hour later we realized that it was time to head home haha but it was really fun to get to talk to them outside of classes and meals. I realized this week

Weekly Email - #1 Welcome to Mexico

  ¡¡HOLA MIS AMIGOS!! I hope everyone is doing well.  The CCM IS SOOOO PRETTYYYYY!!!! I LOVE IT HERE!!! like all I'm saying is there's green grass and palm trees in February soooo ya… but the food here is muy bueno! My district is awesome! I love them all haha which sounds right cheesy but it's fine. My teachers are the best and I can already tell I'm going to miss them so much   the Spanish is slow and hard but I think I'm improving so that's good!!  My branch seems awesome and our branch president is awesome!! But this is crazy … him and his wife were like low-key engaged before they went on their missions and then they decided that they needed to go on a Mish and then they got called to the same area at the same time which is wild so I'm glad I never have to do that. I've been missing my music A LOT but it's fine I'm fine haha I always find myself singing church songs which is a little different from what I usually sing to myself.  I also got

Lucy starts her mission

  Lucy started home MTC on Monday, February 12. Her teachers were from the Mexico MTC and she did a Spanish zoom class in the mornings, a workshop for all missionaries that started this week from the Provo MTC, and then a Preach my Gospel class each afternoon. After the first day, she wasn't so sure, but it got better. Then she got to hang out with us in the evenings. We went to Calgary on Monday night so Lucy could fly to the Mexico MTC on Tuesday, February 20. We got up at 4:15 am and took Lucy to the airport, checked her bags, hugged her goodbye, and she was off through security. Missionaries aren't supposed to take a phone - they just give you a phone when you get there. So we couldn't talk to her through her travel day. But Tanis Hardy convinced me to put an air tag in her bag, and I was glad I did. I could see when she made it through security, then when she landed in Dallas and found her new gate, and then when she landed in Mexico. I did also track her flights on fl